menu search

20 April 2003

google menus looks like a good place to look for salad ideas for tea…


marinated in a ginger tamari (*) vinaigrette w/ red bell peppers

bean sprouts, shitake mushrooms, sesame seeds

and lots of other yummy sounding stuff. i’m pedantically amused that they have dishes with [worchester ($) sauce]( sauce) and whalnuts in them though.

(*) tamari seems to be a type of soy sauce in case you didn’t know. i didn’t.

($) i used to have the idea that americans pronounced this war-cess-ter sauce which feels backed up by this spelling, but i know that in maine they pronounced it wuss-ter-shy-er thereby pronouncing what it says on the bottle more correctly than i’ve ever heard it said in england (i’ve never heard anyone say the shire on worcestershire sauce here.)