it’s 20/02/2002, a day with a very nice palindromic ring to it. to all the people i’ve seen rambling on about the time at 20:02 tonight being a unique moment because of it’s “never to be repeated symmetry”:
- a) you’re wrong, see jason kottke for the details
- b) you’re wrong, there are plenty of other symmetrical dates, take 20:03 21/12 3002 for example.
- c) you’re wrong, there are plenty of other triplicate type dates, take 20:03 20/03 2003 for example
- d) if you’re american, you’re wrong, you are in all likelihood a user of middle endian dates and think it’s 02/20 anyway (though any gimmick that convinces people that middle endian dates are evil is good by me, for bonus points note that the big endian version 2002 20/02 20:02 has the same properties and also makes for easy numerical sorting into chronological order <<<<<<< HEAD
- e) every moment is unique, make the most of all of them. =======
- e) every moment is unique, make the most of all of them.