Stripping out the great and the dreadful

11 April 2008

I started off by thinking it’d be a good idea to rate all my music in iTunes. I put everything on Party Shuffle and left the last ten tracks visible in the window. When I remembered what I’d been listening to I’d go to the iTunes window and rate the last few songs.

After a bit I changed the Party Shuffle to only play unrated tunes so that I’d get the rest of the tunes rated faster.

What actually happened was that stuff I really like makes me head straight to iTunes and give it a 4 or 5 star rating. And stuff I really dislike makes me go and give it one star. The stuff in the middle which should be getting two, three, maybe four stars is just playing away in the background whilst I work and I’m not in any hurry to rate it.

So I’ve got the perfect work playlist just by stripping out the great and the dreadful.