i can't die while there are still books to read

4 January 2002

which of course means i’ll never be able to die. we realise our reading mortality when we see that there are more books that we want to read than we have time to read them. on a day to day basis i often feel like i’d like to instantly assimilate all the books i own but haven’t read yet but on a lifetime basis this doesn’t bother me in the slightest. i read 82 books, or thereabouts, in 2001 and i hope to read more this year, a couple of books a week seems a good rate to me. if i live another 50 years, at 82 books a year i can fit in another 4100 books. even with the aid of one of my excellent christmas presents i’d struggle to create a wishlist that long. reading mortality isn’t bothering me yet. and if i get struck down by a speeding bus tomorrow i’ll never know what i missed. [found via metafilter]