2024 in Veloviewer

I was kind of putting off reviewing my data from Veloviewer as I didn’t feel it was going to compare well with last year when I managed to make nearly all the stats go up despite havin a busy year. 2024 was also a busy year and despite the first half being the tough half with more house moving going on I feel like I basically collapsed in a heap on the floor for the second.
- I didn’t walk or swim nearly as much as I did in 2023. The swimming pool we were using after the move wasn’t as attractive as the one before though it’s now closed for refurbishment for a year so we’ve found another that’s closer to home. I hope to swim more in 2025, and also to have more time to walk as well.
- As a result of spending the whole year in a flat place my elevation climbed is a fraction of what it was last year when it was already down on the year before. In last year’s review I said I’d seek out more hills but I haven’t done. Maybe in 2025…
- My longest bike ride jumped up by miles (literally) though. Up from 54km to 72km thanks to being on more flat terrain. It was a gorgeous sunny day, I was on a shady railway trail and there was seaside at the end of it which enticed me to go a lot further than I’d intended.
- Overall I did ride my bike slightly further than last year, 2430km compared to last year’s 2337km. Nice to find that statistic keeps going up!
- I still haven’t run anywhere for a long time, imagine the running stick figure is more of a walking/hiking one.
- My longest walk was shorter though, down to 11km compared to 14km last year.
- The time spent has gone down this year, probably due to the ‘collapsed in a heap’ thing I mentioned. But also, using my bike for transport means that I don’t always put the tracker on for short journeys. I’d like to get the time back up to the hour per day range again this year though.
I’m actually surprised that I’ve moved up from 5x5 squares here to what’s actually three 8x8 squares which make a 9x9 with the one corner missing. I haven’t been paying much attention to the Veloviewer square as I’ve been preferring to concentrate on getting my longer rides to go further away from home. I still have a lot of places to explore round here. Nabbing that missing corner is now top of my cycling to-do list for the year though! It’s going to take me a while to get the square up to the 12x12 square that I have around my old home though.
My plans for 2025 involve not moving house and getting the rest of my life into a lot more of a steady routine and I hope that shows up at the end of the year as improvements on these stats.