
by Penelope Fitzgerald

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Featured image for Offshore

This was the book of Fitzgerald’s that I really wanted to read and I really liked it when I got it. It seems that she wrote a number of novels that were basically about bits of her life. I’ve read her working at the BBC and running a bookshop books; this one is about living in a boat on the Thames in the 1960s.

Like her other books this one rather rambles around and doesn’t have an obvious plot line; though ramble ought to be the wrong word for it as it’s quite a short book. It’s rather an intersection of characters; you’d struggle to decide which character was the main one. I was taken with the two young girls, especially the younger one Tilda.

All in all, it’s difficult to put my finger on quite why I liked it so much as I did!