Joe Country (Slough House #6)

by Mick Herron

Monday, May 25, 2020

Featured image for Joe Country (Slough House #6)

I feel like I might get lynched for saying that I didn’t think this was quite as good as I expected it to be. I love the characters and they were great here, the regulars were regular and the deaths upset me. The plot, however, was, forgettable, and a week after reading it I can’t remember much of the detail about it. It didn’t seem as closely tied to current affairs as previous books have, but maybe that’s more to do with *gestures at state of world in May 2020* than anything to do with the book. Obviously I’m not expecting the author to have pandemic forecasting capabilities, though it does occur to me that getting a take on *gestures again at 2020 normality* from the likes of the slow horses will be an interesting thing to look forward to in the next couple of years.