Frost at Midnight

by Elizabeth Falconer

Thursday, July 5, 2001

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i’m quite fond of this pseudo series of books despite the way half the characters sound as if they speak with the same voice and the stereotypicalness of some of them. i call it a pseudo series because all the books feature characters from the family featured in falconers first book (and other later books feature characters from earlier books). each book adds new central characters but the story of these new people always touches the lives of the original families in some way. it’s like encountering old acquaintances in odd places and remarking what a small world it is. the series is mainly set in paris and rural france and at times it seems that every character seems to have dual nationality of some sort. the main stereotype that i get annoyed with is that the english men are nearly all portrayed as complete pigs whereas the french men are always great romantics. on the whole though it’s gentle and nice and i enjoy the books as a change.